
Canada builds “One Millionth Tower” in 3D

CANADA, NOVEMBER 21, 2011: Why build your tower with bricks and steel when you can build it with something more modern – not to mention far more exciting? Take it from the National Film Board of Canada, which took its cues from the modern times with “One Millionth Tower”.

The result: a unique collaboration between apartment residents, architects, animators, filmmakers and web developers to re-envision what a declining high-rise neighborhood could be. “One Millionth Tower” is a lush visual story unfolding in a 3D virtual environment where visitors to the online documentary can explore how participatory urban design can transform spaces, places and minds. "One Millionth Tower is the sum of the labors of many," says Mike Robbins, Creative Technologist at Helios Design Labs. "The exciting part is realizing what possibilities this technology opens up."


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The 3D renders of "One Millionth Tower"

When Helios joined the team, they took the linear story and placed it into a 3D environment, eliminating a traditional video player and allowing viewers to explore and discover the experience for themselves.

Helios then designed a complex audio control mechanism that mixes dozens of different tracks based on camera position and time of day to create a fully immersive soundscape.

Next an additional layer of contextual information was added by integrating social media, Google Street and Satellite View, Flickr and Wikipedia. The site even listens to the weather, so if it´s raining outside, it´s raining in here too.

"As we built the site entirely in HTML5 and WebGL, it means that not only does the entire experience happen on a web page, without any plug-ins or apps, it can also works seamlessly across desktop and mobile devices, regardless of operating system." explains Robbins. "Our work on One Millionth Tower is at the forefront of a growing movement to turn the browser into the ultimate app, changing the way we´ll create and interact with online digital content."

HTML5 is perfect platform for anyone who uses flash or digital video as a marketing tool, and is interested in making in impact through the web. HTML5 is being used for making games, creating music videos, telling stories, or offering up just plain visual excitement.


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