Campaign Spotlight

Campaign Spotlight: Instituto Terra inspires new work by Gilberto Gil, “Refloresta”, an urgent call for the recovery of our forests

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SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL – The environmental crisis we are experiencing is unfortunately nothing new. Over the last year, the fires once again guided the press, social networks and conversations, both in Brazil and abroad. In California, the sky turned orange. In Brazil, the Pantanal went up in flames.

To highlight the importance of forest recovery, the Instituto Terra, created in 1998 by Lélia Wanick Salgado and Sebastião Salgado, launches the “Refloresta” campaign. Created by the agency Ampfy, these actions guided the creation of the new song by Gilberto Gil, which is now added to the famous and acclaimed trilogy: Refazenda, Refavela and Realce.


“It’s much more than a campaign, it’s an urgent call for the recovery of our forests, of our planet. It is not enough to stop deforestation anymore, it is necessary to replant and recover the degraded areas. Reforestation is bringing to life that which seemed dead,” states Juliano Ribeiro Salgado, Vice-President for Instituto Terra.

The organization focuses on the dissemination of ecological values through educational actions and restoration and recovery interventions in rural properties located in the Vale do Rio Doce, including its head office, the RPPN Fazenda Bulcão. The institute is recognized as a reference in reforestation in Brazil.

The campaign, headed by singer Gilberto Gil, will also feature other personalities. In addition to the clip released by the composer in the TV show Fantástico, the actions will have the support of personalities such as Chico Buarque, Bruna Lombardi, Luciano Huck, Marcos Palmeira, Fernando Moraes, Lilian Pacce, Dudu Bertholini, Patricia Pillar and Izabella Teixeira.


“Music is the great celebration of Brazilian creativity and we proposed the theme for Gil to speak in favor of the preservation of our fauna and flora. In addition, celebrity support helps us bring this message, which is so urgent nowadays, to the entire world,” says Fred Siqueira, CCO for Ampfy.

With Gil’s music as the centerpiece, the Refloresta campaign features the music video for the song that was produced by Piloto Filmes and directed by Ivi Roberg, as well as other pieces presente in several types of media, such as radio/streaming, OOH, newspaper and digital. A special filter on Instagram will allow fans to participate in the campaign by using the graphics from the music video of the Refloresta song.

Between February 22 and 28, TikTok will celebrate Gilberto Gil’s debut on the platform with the #ReflorestaComGil challenge: for every video created with song in the app, TikTok pledges to plant a tree at the Instituto Terra.

“The song created by Gil is a love anthem for tropical forests, a battle hymn to be sung by those who, like the Instituto Terra, believe in the power of transformation and fight for ecological preservation,”, praises Juliano Salgado.


Performer: Gilberto Gil

Special Appearance: Bem Gil and Gilsons

Musical work and phonogram courtesy of Gege Edições and Artistic Productions

Musical producer: Bem Gil

Bem Gil: Guitar and synthesizer
Francisco Gil: Guitar and vocals
João Gil: Bass and cavaquinho
José Gil: Drums, percussion and samples
Recording technician: Léo Moreira
Mixing and Mastering:Daniel Carvalho

Recorded at Estúdio Palco, February 2020


Flora Gil and the Gege Produções Artísticas team
Executive Production: Juliano Ribeiro Salgado

Execution: Ampfy
Creative Team: Mauro Vilas-Boas and Ricardo Merhi
Creative Directors: Dogura Kozonoe, Fred Siqueira and Rodrigo Visconti
Planning: Gabriel Borges e Yara Rocha
Client Services: Guilherme Brum e Juliana Ailt
Social Media: Patrícia Pinheiro Gabriel

Media: Sérgio Brotto, Gabriela Oliveira and Mariana Nunes
Production/RTV: Luiza Pagliarini and Bruna Amorim
Tech production: Jordã França
Instagram Filter Production: CODEZONE
Banners Production: Ricardo Chapira

Production House: Piloto
Director: Ivi Roberg
Executive Production/Planning: Daniel Soro, Natalia Souza
Executive Production Assistants: Diandra Martins, Cecília Bertoche
Animation Director: Alexandre Chalabi
Art Director: Ricardo Kump
Client Services team: Regina Knapp, Roberta Frederico, Felipe Lopes, Marilia Raffaeli
Finances: Rita Freitas, Carol França
Post-production Coordination: Karina Oliveira, Rafael Bozzi
Animation Supervisor: Daniel Azevedo
Editor: Guilherme Perez
Finalization Poliana Pompeo, Thales Correa, Thais Nijenhuis

Color: Gigio Pelosi
Illustration: Danilo Cheng, Victor Futher
Editing Assistant: Junior Fernandes
After: Ivan Falcone, Cleber Silva, Irvin Moura, Rodolfo Bianchi, Roberto Ozaki, Eliel Guimarães, Edgardo Guerrero, Fernando Farias, Fabio Meira, Guido Clavarie

Traditional animation finalization: Antonela Belen Castro

Jornatta Team:
Direction/Supervision traditional animation: Marcio Perrella Junior
Animation: André Ruivo, Lucas Almeida, Mei Kleinman, Marcio Perrella Junior, Rafael PAH
Overflight scene painting and composition: Adriano Zagottis, FABIONES, Marcio Perrella Junior e Rafael PAH

Sound design (Clipe): Quiet City

Instagram filter production: CODEZONE
Banners production: Ricardo Chapira

Partner with adobo Magazine

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