The YouTube guide to video success

GLOBAL – AUGUST 2011 – With YouTube success stories on the rise, everyone wants to know how to improve their own chances of being recognized. But with so many users and topics to cover, what exactly makes a successful channel?

Enter the YouTube Creator Playbook (not to be confused with BlackBerry’s tablet PC). The new first edition created by the video sharing website is comprised of a detailed and easy-to-understand collection of tips and strategies to help users build their audiences. Featuring videos, diagrams, and clearly worded tips and tricks, the Creator Playbook is a useful resource for any YouTube user with the desire to establish a larger audience.

The Creator Playbook is broken down into three sections: Programming and Producing, Publishing and Optimization, and Community and Social Media. Each section contains details for each topic and concludes with a to-do list for users that summarizes the section.


The Programming and Production section concerns content and format, covering everything from the first fifteen seconds of a video to the benefits of cross-promotion and collaboration. The Publishing and Optimization section deals with metadata, video responses and page optimization to draw in a wider audience, and the Community and Social Media section discusses audience involvement and social media outreach as a means of promoting any given channel.

Throughout the Creator Playbook, symbols or icons are used to highlight time cost, optimization type and more. The Creator Playbook is an incredible and incredibly useful, easily accessible resource for all YouTube users, professional or non-professional, and will aid in the development of a new generation of YouTube successes.

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