UPMG elects 2010 Board, presents 21st PAC golf tournament champion’s trophy

The United Print Media Group (UPMG) announces the 2010 Officers and Board of Directors elected during the general meeting yesterday, November 25 at the UPMG office. 

Standing [L-R] Lucien DyTioco-Philippine Star, Vice-president; Pepito Olarte-Philippine Daily Inquirer, President; Danny Ocampo-Business World, Treasurer; Ricky Alegre-Business Mirror, Director; Cris Lim-Chinese Commercial News, Auditor.  Seated [L-R] Tess Ramirez-Cebu Daily News, Director; Angel Guerrero-adobo magazine, Director; Doris Bermudez-Hinge Inquirer, Secretary.  (Not in picture: Barbie Atienza-Manila Bulletin, PRO)

In the same meeting, Ricky Alegre presented to current president Pepito Olarte and the Board, the 21st Philippine Advertising Congress Golf Tournament Champion’s Trophy.  The UPMG bested other AdBoard association teams over the year-long tournament.  The final leg of the tournament was held at the Mimosa Golf and Country Club in Clark last November 18.


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Manila Bulletin iron butterfly Pat Pineda was a radiant raffle winner of a prized watch.
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