Brand & BusinessPress Release

Media trading company Latcom joins the United Nations Global Compact Network

BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA – Latcom, a leading global media trading company specializing in OOH, DOOH and Programmatic, celebrated the company’s acceptance into the United Nations Global Compact Network at an event held at its corporate headquarters in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The objective of the UN Global Compact is to mobilize the business sector to commit to the 10 principles of the compact relating to human rights, the environment and labor standards, in addition to helping companies align business objectives with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) approved at the General Assembly in September 2015. It is a set of global objectives to eradicate poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity as part of a new agenda towards 2030.

“It is always a joy when an organization decides to join the UN Global Compact network, because in addition to expanding its horizons by engaging with the largest sustainability network in the world, it also affirms its commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals and responsible practice of their business. In the specific case of Latcom, we are gratified that it is an advertising company specializing in media that reaches audiences outside their home, as we are convinced that they will be able to amplify this message, it is only by working together, companies, governments and the United Nations that we can build the world we want,” said Flavio Fuertes, Executive Director of the Global Compact Argentina.


The meeting was attended by Flavio Fuertes, Executive Director and Marcelo López, Head of Contributions and Training Programs of the Argentine Network of the Global Compact, as well as the directors of Latcom: General Manager Fernando Vizcaíno, Commercial Director LATAM and LATAM USA Karina Vázquez, Financial Director Martín Sauco, Director of Operations Gustavo Calderale, Operations Manager Evangelina Sobrino, Marketing Manager Wendy Méndez Casariego, and HRBP Manager of Latcom Sol Fenoglio. In addition, Milagros Hidalgo, Coordinator of the Fundación Gestionar Esperanzas, was present.

“It gives me great pride to have joined the Argentine Chapter of the United Nations Global Compact because LATCOM, as a company, believes in and actively works towards these Principles every day through ‘Una Vuelta +’ and ‘One Hour to Save the World,’ two of our initiatives under FGE – Fundación Gestionar Esperanzas-. We’ve been passionately working on these initiatives in Argentina, Latin America and several other countries around the globe because we deeply share the values ​​to which the network aims. We believe it is crucial to continually generate awareness of the relevance of these principles in each and every one of us and together, carry it forward to the rest of the world,” expressed Valentín Bueno, CEO of Latcom.

For his part, General Manager Fernando Vizcaíno remarked that “it was a pleasure to host Flavio and Marcelo, with whom we had a very productive meeting that generated great enthusiasm for Latcom’s commitment to these 10 principles and the United Nations Global Compact”.

In this context, Latcom continues to increase its circular economy program “Una vuelta +” which, through the recycling of material from OOH advertising campaigns, has generated job opportunities in vulnerable communities in Latin America since 2020 and in addition, reduces environmental impact. This initiative was born in 2012 with a focus on recycling banner material from advertising campaigns that were then distributed in community kitchens, since the project has evolved to become a tool for economic growth, social inclusion and care for the environment.

The UN Global Compact is supported by the United Nations and includes the principles and values ​​of the Organization. As a result, it is uniquely positioned to foster this collaboration with the aim of achieving and increasing solutions that address global challenges. The Compact is based on the vision of former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who, at the 1999 World Economic Forum, called on business leaders to partner with the Organization to create “global impact” in a matter of shared values ​​and principles to contribute a human facet to the global market. Today, the Global Compact plays a crucial role in strengthening business collaboration with the United Nations.

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