Campaign Spotlight

Campaign Spotlight: Cheil Worldwide creates a new campaign for Guinness World Records certified ice cream brand Bravo Cone to continue its legacy

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SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA — South Korea’s HAITAI Ice Cream released a new film for its ice cream brand Bravo Cone starring actor Lee Byung-Hun. Cheil Worldwide created the film ‘Duel at Twelve O’clock‘ which is new for the brand in ten years targeting Millennials and Gen Z in South Korea.

As Millennials and Gen Z rise as the mainstream consumers with the purchasing power, South Korea’s legacy brands are in the spotlight with new campaigns that are aimed to draw their interest. For example, dairy product company Binggrae released a new film for its 47-year-old brand Banana Flavored Milk and received positive response by recalling childhood memories as it positioned the product to taste the best when had after taking a bath.


Bravo Cone’s new campaign coincides with this trend of ‘legacy brand’s comeback’ as it declares its return to the young consumers after a 10-year commercial hiatus. Bravo Cone is South Korea’s first ice cream cone released 50 years ago and is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as South Korea’s longest-living ice cream brand.

The brand’s song ‘See You at Twelve with Bravo Cone‘ that first came out in 1975 has been acclaimed as one of the most successful commercial songs in South Korea’s advertising history. The new film gives modern reinterpretation to that song and uses it as the first line of our protagonist portrayed by Lee.

The Film opens with the protagonist driving his car furiously as if he is in the midst of a high-speed car chase. As he drives, he makes an appointment with a mysterious person as he says, ‘We meet at twelve o’clock,’ and demands, ‘Don’t be late. It should be only you.’ As he arrives at the rendezvous he bursts into a rage only to find out that his counterpart did not show up alone.

At this point, it is revealed that the person he was to meet was his young nephew who didn’t keep his promise and brought all his friends along. While the uncle now has to buy Bravo Cones for everyone, luckily there’s only two left in the fridge. The film ends with a stingy uncle saying “Mmm, such a relief (that there were only two left).”

Taezin Im, Creative Director, Cheil Worldwide, said: “Bravo Cone has an unmatchable brand asset that has been accumulated for decades so we wanted to make the most of it. Moreover, we cast actor Lee Byung-Hun as our protagonist who has a very strong presence and wide acting spectrum from straight drama to comedy in order to make an impression among the Millennials and Gen Z.”

HAITAI Ice Cream said: “We launched this new film ‘Duel at Twelve O’clock’ after ten years to continue Bravo Cone’s legacy as the leading ice cream brand in South Korea.”


Creative Agency: Cheil Worldwide
Creative Director: Taezin Im
Copywriter: Woohyun Park
Art Director: Jinwoo Ryu, Nuri Kim
Account Executive: Jaehwan Lee, Hyungwoon Kim, Yeongchan Cho
Producer: Dongkyung Shin
Production Company: LOVEANDMONEY
Film Director: Hanki Goh
1st. Assistant Director: Eunseo Lee
Excecutive Producer: Gwangsik Choi
Director of Photography: Sangkil Han

Partner with adobo Magazine

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