
Graphika Online 2021: Chris Do shines a whole new perspective on obstacles and self-reinvention

MANILA, PHILIPPINES — Graphika Manila has been bringing creative people in one big event for the past sixteen years. Last weekend, the influential conference turned into Graphika Online 2021. With the conference being held in two days, one of the most-awaited creative speakers was Chris Do.


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Chris Do is an Emmy award-winning designer, director, CEO and Chief Strategist of Blind – a brand strategy design consultancy, and The Futur – an online education platform with a mission of teaching one billion people how to make a living from doing what they love.

The graphic-designer-turned-educator discussed how he sees obstacles are a gift to change. In his pre-recorded talk, Chris Do shared some stories based on his and friends’ personal experience who have been able to embrace obstacles as the way for it.

Go to a different path. It’s an opportunity to grow.

Before The Futur was born, Chris Do went on a long journey finding his identity and overcoming every possible obstacle along the way.

In 2013, Chris Do was an educator at Art Center teaching Sequential Design to a handful of students. When he encountered an obstacle that questioned his passion for teaching, he refused the call to change.

Used to be always behind the camera, anxious, and introverted, Chris was convinced by his former Art Center classmate and now Creative Entrepreneur Jose Caballer to create YouTube videos together (The Skool) while the two work together with Chris’ web project. With the help of Jose, Chris was able to face this obstacle and he became more confident in front of the camera.

To be the hero of your story, you must answer the call and the obstacle is the way.

From only a thousand subscribers in 2014 to over a million subscribers just last month, Chris has definitely faced and answered the call to act on The Futur in response to an obstacle a few years ago. From a spontaneous sit-down one-on-one video to a more structured and defined talk, viewers started seeing the potential The Futur has to offer.

To date, Chris Do uploads tips for content creation and gives creative talks on topics such as brand strategy, graphic design, and client relations through The Futur YouTube channel. For more info on Chris Do and The Futur, check out their Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

adobo magazine is an official media partner of Graphika Online 2021.

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