
Insight: Playable ads become the way mobile marketers find success in post-IDFA era, says Liftoff’s Creative Ad Index Report

PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA – Liftoff, the leading growth acceleration platform for the mobile industry, today unveiled its fourth annual Mobile Ad Creative Index report, analyzing trends across four key app verticals: gaming, e-commerce, finance, and entertainment. Landing at $1.98, the data shows playable ads have the most affordable cost-per-install (CPI), well below the average of $3.79 from all five ad formats for gaming, making them an attractive format for game marketers.

Liftoff’s latest report analyzed nearly 805 billion impressions across 12.6 billion clicks and 200 million installs between January 1, 2021 and January 1, 2022, to find the following:


Play Before Buying Drives App Engagement

If 2021 was the year of privacy protection, 2022 will be the year for ad creative excellence. With Apple eliminating access to IDFA and Google pledging to make similar privacy-first moves on Android, app marketers need better, more relevant creatives to reach and retain new audiences.

Playable ads rise above the rest as the clear winner for mobile marketer needs. Examining a “split-by-platform” view, CPI on Android comes in at $1.41 (v.s. $3.66 on iOS). These interactive ads are also a clear boost to audience engagement, ultimately driving user acquisition. Not only do they cost 2x less on Android than on iOS, but playables, along with banner and interstitial, fall well below the most expensive native ad—which shows high costs on both Android ($4.82) and iOS ($7.38).

From January to December 2021, playable ads remained consistently the most cost-effective ad format month-to-month, other than in September, where they tied with banner ads—and of course, the release of iOS 15. This makes playables ($1.98), followed by banner ads ($2.82) an attractive format for mobile gaming marketers looking to unlock the full potential of the mobile experience without shelling out to accommodate high costs.

Not advertising gaming apps specifically? Have no fear. Even if you’re not promoting a gaming app—playables have a lot to offer. Introducing an interactive element to an e-commerce ad drives real engagement without compromising brand. Interactive ads allow users to play before they buy. Those who view the ad can interact with it as a preview of what they could do in the app, and, according to Liftoff data, is the most cost-effective ad format.

“Understanding what motivates your target audience is key for marketers to get ahead of the curve, and the data shows that playables are where it’s at,” said Liftoff CEO and co-founder Mark Ellis. “As mobile marketers look at the big picture this year, it’s important to factor in platform needs when it comes to engaging, interactive ads to pique the interest of your custom industry audience.”

Android Holds Onto Affordable Reign as 2022 Highlights 2x iOS Costs

Affirming year-over-year (YoY) predictions in continuation from 2021, Android continues to win ad creative with cheaper costs and higher value across ad formats. In gaming, Android devices are less expensive across all ad formats.

As a takeaway, it’s wise for mobile marketers to continue to target Android to pique the interest of potential audiences for value. Additionally, CPI rates are higher across the board on iOS than on Android—but nearly every ad format saw a CPI increase within the year. Video ads nearly doubled from $3.44 to $6.09.

Level Up: Player Motivations Are The Future of Performance Marketing

As marketers adapt to ad preferences, they must think of the motivating factors that drive engagement for users. Marketers who can match player motivations match ad creative types can unlock real potential.

While looking at gaming ads, the report found that only 4% of casual game video ads successfully tap into the top player motivation in that category, “completing milestones,” meaning 96% don’t reach their motivation potential. As gaming marketers look toward successful practices, they should begin to lean into ads that reach above the 3.38 average for users.

For the “excitement and thrill” category, over 99% failed to hit this specific player motivation score across mid-core game ads. This statistic can lead ad creatives to deliver fast-paced and suspenseful actions to thrill-seeking audiences.

For more information on Liftoff and to download the full report, visit here.


Liftoff’s 2022 Mobile Ad Creative Index report draws from an internal data analysis from January 1, 2021 to January 1, 2022. Spanning nearly 805 billion impressions, over 12.6 billion clicks and 200 million installs, the report delivers key takeaways on how banner ads, interstitials, playables, videos and native ads perform. Backed by new insights from GameRefinery, this report empowers gaming advertisers to reach new audiences with an overview of 12 player motivations and tips on how to translate them into high-performing creative.

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