OgilvyOne aims for ripple effect with Pond’s FB

MANILA, PHILIPPINES, AUGUST 24,2011: It’s the oldest form of advertising. And yet, even in an age where practically every possible space and channel has been used as an advertising medium, nothing comes close to being as influential as word of mouth.

Marketers know this. Consumers know this. But though everyone recognizes that personal recommendations are valuable, there hasn’t been a local brand that has placed an actual literal value on a consumer’s ability to influence his social network.

Now Pond’s has partnered with OgilvyOne to change that.


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Pond’s banks on Facebook likes

The brief was simple: build Pond’s online fanbase. So OgilvyOne came up with an equally simple solution: harness existing fans’ innate ability to act as recruiters. In other words, encourage word of mouth.

For the first time in the country, OgilvyOne applied ‘Pay with a Tweet’ – a payment system that turns social networks into currency – to Pond’s.

Under this model, consumers can now buy a Pond’s Age Miracle Mini simply by posting a message about it on Facebook or Twitter. In this way, a personal recommendation is given an actual, specific value. By allowing fans to pay Pond’s with their influence, the campaign recognizes the worth that existing consumers already bring to a brand.

After all, fans have always been Pond’s best endorsers. OgilvyOne simply looked for a way to reward their participation, and even extended their purchasing power in the process.

Visit www.facebook.com/pondsphilippines to start paying with your posts now.


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