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A love story told in Ride-Thru orders, a dance with warrior spirit, and a road safety PSA you can’t escape

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MANILA, PHILIPPINES — The creative industry is brimming with tons of amazing ideas, so it’s no surprise that there’s never a shortage of great campaigns to admire and celebrate.

From gripping stories and new perspectives that embody what a brand stands for to new fun ways people can engage with a brand, here are campaigns that caught adobo Magazine’s eye this week:

A love story told in McDonald’s ride-thru orders


Just in time for pride month, McDonald’s viral new spot by TBWA\Santiago Mangada Puno focuses on a sapphic romance that has captured the heart of Filipino netizens. In the ad, a skater girl passes by the McDonald’s ride-thru again and again, only ever one ala carte item at a time so that she has a reason to come by once more. And each time she passes by the ride-thru, the same crew member gives her order, amused and smitten by her constant visits. In the end, we see the crew member end her shift delivering a McDonald’s sundae cone to the skater girl, her girlfriend that’s been finding reasons to see her all day.

Tapping into the warrior spirit through dance

Mediabrands Content Studio and Petronas recently launched films honoring significant festive celebrations in East Malaysia, one of them being Budak Terabai, an homage to the Gawai Dayak festival. In the film, a young boy from the city who’s a skilled TikTok dancer underestimates the significance of ngajat, an indigenous Iban dance. However, as he gets more in tune with Iban culture, dedicates his time to practicing the craft, and begins to truly understand the history and spirituality that the ngajat represents, he was able to tap into the warrior spirit needed to truly give justice to it.

The PSA you shouldn’t (and can’t) ignore

It’s clear from the continuing escalating number of road accidents in the UAE that road safety is a pressing concern that must be addressed. To address this, Serviceplan ME and tire brand Bridgestone MEA created “The Lane Change Song,” a catchy musical PSA against one of the reasons behind these accidents, excessive (and oftentimes reckless) lane-changing. The catch? Its broadcast is synchronized throughout all of UAE’s leading channels, so that no matter how much they switch channels they can’t escape the PSA the same way excessive lane-changing won’t let them escape traffic.

What can a few degrees more do?

Many people can’t grasp how terrifying a warning a 1.5 degrees increase in temperature is when it comes to climate change. So, to pique people’s interest and get them to learn more about it, Climate Change Center Austria (CCCA), along with Leopold Museum and Wien Nord Serviceplan, launched “A Few Degrees More.” In this campaign, the museum’s landscape paintings were tilted by the number of degrees that temperatures will rise in the regions the art portrays. Labels were also present for each painting that led the viewers to websites where more info about the climate emergency — and potential action points addressing it — is available.

Looking back at the past with pride

For a lot of trans people, looking back at childhood photos from before their transition can cause a lot of dysphoria. So, to help trans people participate in the joy and nostalgia of looking back at childhood photos without experiencing sadness or discomfort, Serviceplan Berlin and German NGOs  Trans-Ident e.V. and Rosa Strippe e.V. launched “Saved Memories.” Through AI, the campaign transforms childhood photos of trans people to reflect their true gender identity, giving them a piece of their past to celebrate without having to face any dysphoria.

Here’s a look back at adobo magazine’s weekly campaign picks. 

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