Philippine News

BBDO-Guerrero gets two on Best Ads this week; DM9 on Seen & Noted last week

Work for Pizza Hut and Childhope has been selected by for two out of 5 Best Outdoor efforts this week. 
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Reviewing the selection, guest judge Mark Chalmers said: "…outdoor has created a really competitive category and there’s some fair stabs at most types of execution areas but nothing killer. Pizza Hut Bikes could be killer though, literally, this wouldn’t get far in the States or the UK where previous campaigns encouraging speed have been selectively removed but I like the idea of adding a tracking device and an iPhone app. Even relay the clocks back online so you can follow your dinner as you entertain yourself watching [Nike ad] lil dez for the millionth time."

The selection is the second in June for the country. Last week DM9JaymeSyfu’s campaign for Pharex arthritis medication also made it to the site’s Seen & Noted section, together with the rest of the Childhope campaign.

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