EventsPhilippine News

Events: More time to get inSYNc: music contest extends deadline until January 2021

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MANILA, PHILIPPINES – It’s hard to imagine a life in quarantine without music, no melody to fill the silence, no songs to remind us of our memorable experiences before COVID-19 changed everything. 

Fortunately, this is not the case because we can still easily tap into our favorite playlists. However, we can’t say the same for those behind the notes; composers, producers, singers and musicians. A lot of them are struggling to carry on with music as their livelihood, which is exactly why “inSYNc” was created – a sound, music and song contest for Filipino music artists. 

Xiklab Digital and Syn Music are currently opening opportunities for Filipino musicians by showcasing their skills and talents to creative agencies and global brands! The contest has acquired the interest of musicians from various genres. There are now entries with hip beats that will surely get you on your feet while some have melodies that want to make you sit back and relax. 


Together with this initiative is adobo magazine, the official creative media partner, and Native Instruments, the leading brand in digital music creation tools. “Filipino musicians are some of the most renowned in the global stage. From Broadway to Hollywood, we are nothing short of talent when it comes to music. This competition is providing an opportunity to amplify Filipino talent worthy of being heard, in no less than the platform of an international collaboration of Xiklab Digital and Syn Music” says Angel Guerrero, Founder, President and Editor-in-Chief of adobo magazine. 

Filipino talent is undeniably outstanding, but of course, like any other, it requires time especially when it comes to music production and song composition. With that, inSYNc will be extended until January 4. 2020 to continuously support musicians over the Christmas break and give them more time to share their work. 

Do not miss out on this opportunity to show the world what you’ve got! Continue inspiring and lifting Filipinos up even through trying times. Share your music today!

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