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On Innovation and why people have come on board Jaime Oliver’s movement by Kat Limchoc

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FRANCE – In a talk called “Innovation: When New Just Isn’t Enough”, Richard Edelman, President and CEO of Edelman shared that many consumers today find the pace of change too quick, that they are anxious about over consumption and the environment with “60% feeling they are pushed to obsolescence.” As a result, “2 in 1 consumers want to be reassured over being inspired.” And the reassurance comes from hearing about other people’s experience. It is imperative then to enable the peer voice and to create movements instead of campaigns.

With that as an introduction, Jaimer Oliver was then introduced. Seventeen years ago he starred in his cooking show called “The Naked Chef”. Since then he has always been about “the beautiful simplicity of family and turning a bunch of ingredients into a lovely meal.” And this message has resonated across the world. People trust Jaime to give them easy and accurate recipes as much as they trust him to lead the movement to “educate every child about food, inspire families to cook again and empower people everywhere to fight obesity” as he does with Food Revolution Day which now has gathered signatures from every country in the world as support.

For Jaime, there is strength in “consistency and relentlessness”. “You may dress it up differently, but the message is the same”. Women, for example interact with his brand thorugh the more traditional media like his television shows and recipe books. Men, on the otherhand, get his recipes from his online videos. For these guys for example, they had to revise the fomat, putting the end result of the recipe in the beginning. Jaime and team found that the boys usually did not have the patience to watch until the end and only listened for the procedures and then attempted to make the dish while having no idea of how it would look like.


“Be clear. Be honest.” That was his main advice and something he has simply embodied all these years. It is this that makes him a reassuring brand at the forefront of a movement that is doing much good for families and children around the world.

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